As usual Trev almost all which needs to be said you have laid out for us and I think you have my views already on Twitter ( x ). However there is one point which makes my blood boil over this and that is the very people who are trying to force this on teams who do take the FA Cup seriously are the same clubs who disrespect the competition in the first place by putting out under strength side at least until the later rounds but still charge there ever so loyal fans top dollar ticket prices for the support they still expect. In other words they are devaluing a competition the do not bother to take seriously in the first place. So another suggestion, why not they withdraw from the competition and let the teams who value it take part on the terms which suit the competition best.

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Since I sent the email on the recent FA Cup decision we have heard from our Chairman on the subject.

Now I for one think a lot of TK and think we are very fortunate to have him when you look at others in the same position, some not that far away. One of the things I like he is a fan first and a Chairman second or that is how I see him. On this occasion however we very much part company as I think he has managed to completely miss the point. The PL/EFL solution to what they see as the problem is only one part of the problem the second and for me almost the more important point is it was made without any reference to the majority of clubs and people it will effect. If they see they can get away with this approach what next will they railroad through and this is the point TK has missed or at least has made no reference too. What ever we may think of what they are trying to do the message is you DO NOT on this or any other occasion take decisions without proper consultation of all and everybody involved. Back to you MR Chairman.

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Apr 20Liked by Trevor Knell

Spot on Trev. Anyone lower than 6th in the Premier League doesn't matter. Didn't the PL chairman state Everton and Forest as "small clubs"? One was a founder member , the other 2 time European Cup winners. As you since 1992 it's been about the PL.

The irrelevance of the Nations League, the ridiculous 6 games to progress one round in Europe amd the travel to China/US over the summer yet no one complains about them.

Football has long passed, RIP

Tad boring info but I once read in 1912 Bagges played in a cup final April 20th, they played Everton (h) 22nd, Cup Final Replay on the 24th, Blackburn (h) 25th Bradford (h) 26th, S. Wedneday 27th and Oldham (h) 28th. No posh coaches and no pristine pitches then.

But footballers today on 100/200k play too many games.......

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The Premier League and the FA have only one main interest. Making money. The game provides the platform for that. The same with F1 it’s not about the motor racing. It’s about making money.

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Apr 20Liked by Trevor Knell

Well said Trev👍🏻

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The Premier League is certainly out of touch. The FA Cup early rounds were a real

Joy to watch this year and the replays offer an income revenue as a reward for the lower league clubs.

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