I thought I’d post a little update to the article I put together at the weekend on the element of trouble creeping into the non-league game at some levels, given I was due to watch Barnet vs Yeovil on Tuesday evening, a late postponement causing a change in article but something for a future blog this week on those issues.
As hoped for I did get a few comments on the debate about ‘fans’ bringing into the non-league game things that are not welcome such as flares, fireworks, homophobic chanting and generally trouble causing. As I also stated it’s not confined to a single club, and it was also evident last season across the levels.
I had some communication from Littlehampton Town which I’m happy to share and does help clarify a few points. As I clearly stated and not as gospel truth ‘I believed’ there are a few supporters banned from Premier League grounds, they aren’t but are on a football watchlist, something along the Pubwatch theme of potential risk.